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Gail Hennessey's Teacher Emporium

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I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.




I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
Marie Curie, Scientist! A Reader's Theater Script

Marie Curie, Scientist! A Reader's Theater Script

A Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Reader’s Theater Script. Use this informational and fun script for students to learn about Marie Curie, the Polish scientists who was a pioneer in the area of radioactivity. *Students will find some of the uses of radioactive materials in the 1920s most interesting(as did I). Radium was placed in toothpaste to make teeth whiter, it was placed in shampoo, face creams, even chocolate! Even Marie and Pierre kept a glass jar with radium salt on their night stand because they were fascinated by its glow. People didn’t realize the harmfulness of radioactivity. A “studio” audience asks questions of Ms. Bie Ografee’s guest, Marie Curie. There are comprehension questions, a Did You Know? section, a Teacher Page with extension activities, key and additional links. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln,Bessie Coleman,Marian Anderson,Sacagawea, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen,Love Brewster(Pilgrim)Susan B. Anthony, Jacques Cousteau, Agent 355-member of the Revolutionary War’s Culper Spy Ring, A Visit with a Groundhog, A Visit with a Leprechaun, A Visit with Simon(victim of the Black Death), Michelangelo, daVinci, Marco Polo. More to be added…
Vikings: Leif Eriksson and Erik the Red(Reader's Theater Script)

Vikings: Leif Eriksson and Erik the Red(Reader's Theater Script)

Leif Eriksson Day is October 9th. There are different spellings for his name. Studying the Vikings? Looking for a Reader’s Theater Script in Social Studies? Check out this script on the Vikings and Leif Ericsson and his father, Erik the Red. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series of plays, Leif Ericsson and his father, Eric the Red are guests on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. They share information about their lives and the Vikings. There is a Did You Know? section of fun facts, reading comprehension questions and a teacher section with lots of extension activities, links and the key. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: The Constitution(A Visit with James Madison, “Father of the Constitution”),Dr. Seuss, A Visit with Josh Crabtree, A Tory during the American Revolutionary War, Charles Dickens, Johnny Appleseed, Albert Einstein, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Bessie Coleman Sacagawea, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, an interview with a groundhog, an interview with a leprechaun, an interview with Simon, victim of the Black Death, An Interview with Agent 355, a female agent in the Culper Spy Ring(Revolutionary War), Interview with a 49er from the California Gold Rush , Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, Katherine Johnson and more. I also have related resources on the Middle Age, a play on Christopher Columbus, the Black Death and Marco Polo and an internet activity(web quest) on the Age of Discovery.
Pilgrims: A Reader's Theater Script

Pilgrims: A Reader's Theater Script

A Ms.Bie Ograffee Reader’s Theater Script, an interview with Love Brewster, a Pilgrim of Plymouth Colony.Love was an actual member of the 102 Pilgrims that came to America. He was about nine years old. The play includes info on Mayflower, first winter and Thanksgiving feast. Fun facts,Comprehension questions, extension activities, links.
Jacques Cousteau: A Reader's Theater Script

Jacques Cousteau: A Reader's Theater Script

Studying the ocean? Looking for a resource for Earth Day or World Ocean Day? Need a biography to use with your students? Introduce your students to Jacques Cousteau with this informative Reader’s Theater Script. Oceanographer, photographer, scientist, inventor, writer and filmmaker, Cousteau spent his life studying the oceans and the marine life that lived in the oceans. His books and films on his studies sparked much interest in our oceans and created an awareness about the need for marine conservation. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series where Jacques Cousteau is a guest on her talk show and answers questions of her studio audience. There are 10 audience questioners, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, a teacher section with extension activities, links and the key. These resources would go great with this Reader’s Theater Script on Jacques Cousteau. 1. Have students learn about the ocean:Check out my webquest on the Oceans of the world: There are 9 informative web questions. Fun Facts, comprehension questions,extension activities,links:Oceans: A Webquest 2. Check out my web quest on The Blue Planet: NOT JUST FOR EARTH DAY.Learn about the history of Earth Day and, our planet, EARTH, with this informative web quest. There are 14 web questions as well as comprehension questions and a Did You Know? fun fact section. The teacher page includes extension activities, the key, and additional links: The Blue Planet: A Webquest 3. Check out my web quest on Antarctica: Antarctica! A geographical webquest which introduces kids to the continent of Antarctica. There are 10 web quests(with lots of information in the questions), 14 Did You Know? facts, comprehension questions(including several “thought question"), a teacher page with a number of extension activities, additional links and key: Antarctica: A Webquest
Moon Landing: Man Walks on the Moon! A Reader's Theater Script

Moon Landing: Man Walks on the Moon! A Reader's Theater Script

After 76 days, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, the astronauts for the historic Apollo 11 mission to the moon, made history on July 20, 1969. After the Columbia reached the moon’s orbit, Armstrong and Aldrin went into a smaller module, the Eagle. They began a descent onto the surface of the moon and successfully landed on the moon where both men would become the first humans to actually walk on the moon. The date was July 21, 1969! Just think, from the first powered flight in 1903, it was just 66 years before we had humans walk on the moon! In 2019, it will be the 50th anniversary of this remarkable achievement! Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins are guests of Ms. Bie Ografee and her studio audience ask the guests questions about their historic trip to the moon. In addition to the play, with 10 audience questioners, there are Did You Know Fun Facts, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities and the key to the comprehension questions. Check out these additional resources: Learn about the history of space with this informative web quest. There are 12 web questions, comprehension questions and extension activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/space-the-final-frontier-an-internet-activity-11941871 Learn about Astronaut John Glenn’s historic flight to become the first American to Orbit the Earth. Years later, he would also become the oldest American to go on the Space Shuttle! This biographical web quest also contains several questions about the early days of space exploration. There are several extension activities and the key: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/astronaut-john-glenn-a-webquest-internet-search-activity-11453536
Oceans! Webquest/Extension Activities

Oceans! Webquest/Extension Activities

Learn lots of fun facts with this Exploring the Ocean Blue: A Web quest.There are 10 informative web questions. Fun Facts, comprehension questions,extension activities,links.Use as part of a unit on oceans,a Friday activity for a Friday or before a vacation.Skills include:reading for information and using research/computer skills.
Bessie Coleman: Aviator!(A Reader's Theater Script)

Bessie Coleman: Aviator!(A Reader's Theater Script)

Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Bessie Coleman. Bessie was the first African American female pilot in the U.S. A. AND the first AMERICAN to receive an international pilot’s license! Comprehension questions/extension activities, key. Kids get a chance to try out their acting skills!
PLANET EARTH: An Earth Day Webquest!

PLANET EARTH: An Earth Day Webquest!

NOT JUST FOR EARTH DAY.Learn about the history of Earth Day and, our planet, EARTH, with this informative web quest. There are 16 web questions as well as comprehension questions and a Did You Know? fun fact section. The teacher page includes extension activities, the key, and additional links. Great for a Friday activity! There is also a bonus section on the topic of PLASTIC Straws and the Topic of Should Helium Balloons be Banned from the Sky? These resources would go great with this resource: 1. Have students learn about the ocean:Check out my webquest on the Oceans of the world: There are 9 informative web questions. Fun Facts, comprehension questions,extension activities,links:Oceans: Oceans 2. Studying the ocean? Looking for a resource for Earth Day or World Ocean Day? Need a biography to use with your students? Introduce your students to Jacques Cousteau with this informative Reader’s Theater Script. Oceanographer, photographer, scientist, inventor, writer and filmmaker, Cousteau spent his life studying the oceans and the marine life that lived in the oceans. His books and films on his studies sparked much interest in our oceans and created an awareness about the need for marine conservation. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series where Jacques Cousteau is a guest on her talk show and answers questions of her studio audience. There are 10 audience questioners, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, a teacher section with extension activities, links and the key: Jacques Cousteau 3. Check out my web quest on Antarctica: Antarctica! A geographical webquest which introduces kids to the continent of Antarctica. There are 10 web quests(with lots of information in the questions), 14 Did You Know? facts, comprehension questions(including several “thought question"), a teacher page with a number of extension activities, additional links and key: Antarctica: A Webquest: Antarctica
New Year's Eve Webquest!Learn about the history of New Year's around the world

New Year's Eve Webquest!Learn about the history of New Year's around the world

Learn about the history of New Year’s with this fun/informative web quest. There are nine questions, lots of interesting customs of how people celebrate New Year’s around the world, comprehension questions, extension activities and the key. Great activity for reading for information and research/computer skills. Included are also other holiday New Year’s celebrations including Diwali, Chinese New Year, Songkran and Rosh Hashanah. The resources also mentions how April Fool’s Day originated over when to celebrate New Year’s!
Native  American Webquest

Native American Webquest

Overview of different Native American tribes,famous Native Americans in history, and contributions of Native Americans in arts, government, language and more!The Trail of Tears, shelters, contributions(i.e: hockey, lacrosse, ideas in government, words in English), Sacagawea, Sequoyah, Jim Thorpe, Sitting Bull, Squanto, Native American Heritage Month, the importance of the buffalo, and more.Great for activity with unit on Native Americans or for November’s Native American Heritage Month.
Amelia Earhart!  (A Reader's Theater Script)

Amelia Earhart! (A Reader's Theater Script)

Wish to to practice oral reading fluency in Language Arts and want a biographical reader’s theater play?Try this fun and information play on Amelia Earhart based on the To Tell the Truth Game Show. Comprehension/discussion questions/ extension activities and links,too.
History of Football(Soccer) : Everything has a History Series

History of Football(Soccer) : Everything has a History Series

Students will learn about the history of the sport of “football”, (only the USA and some say Canada, use the term, soccer) and the famous games held every four years. Great for a Friday activity to show kids that everything has a history, even sports! Includes 11 web questions, a map skill activity on the 2022 Host Country of Qatar, A Did You Know? Section, Comprehension. Questions, a Teacher page with several extension activities and the key.
Election Process: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Election Process: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Updated for 2024 Election. Students will learn about the election process including who the candidates are, requirements to run for office, requirements to vote, the Succession Act, the Electoral College and more. There are 15 web questions, a Did You Know? fact section and comprehension questions. The Teacher Page includes extension activities, the keys and additional links.
Age of Exploration: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Age of Exploration: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Studying the Age of Exploration? This fun and informative webquest will be a great resource to use with your students(grades 4-8) There are 14 questions and lots of extension activities and links. There are also comprehension questions to use after the completion of the web quest. Skills include:reading for information and using research/computer skills. Grades 5 and up
Sacagawea: Reader's Theater Script

Sacagawea: Reader's Theater Script

Learn about Sacagawea with this Reader’s Theater Script. Sacagawea is a guest on a talk show and the studio audience asks questions about her life and contributions to the Lewis and Clark Expedition. There are 10 questioners, a Did You Know? fun fact section, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, the key and additional links. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series
Tuskegee Airmen: A Reader's Theater Script

Tuskegee Airmen: A Reader's Theater Script

Learn about the Tuskegee Airmen with this play. The format is a Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series where the studio audience asks questions of Charles A. Anderson, one of the Tuskegee Airman. Audience members ask questions of the guest. Included are Did You Know? facts, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, links and the key. I have lots of biographical plays on famous people in history and a number of plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series including Rosa Parks, Bessie Coleman, Harriet Tubman, Sacagawea, Michelangelo, DaVinci , Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, a visit with Simon, a victim of the Black Death, a visit with a Leprechaun and Sequoyah. More to be added…
Johnny Appleseed(John Chapman): A Biographical play for Kids!

Johnny Appleseed(John Chapman): A Biographical play for Kids!

Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series. This biographical Reader’s Theater Script is on John Chapman, better remembered as Johnny Appleseed. Chapman said of himself,“by occupation,(I was) a gatherer and planter of apple seeds”. This pioneer nurseryman helped to introduce apple trees to Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Unlike many people, John Chapman was an American hero, DURING his lifetime. He is know for his kindness toward other people and all living creatures, his efforts in conservation and the many apple trees he started during his life. There area 8 Audience Questioners in the complete resource. There are 12 Did You Know? fun facts about apples, 9 comprehension questions, a teacher page with 9 extension activities, the key and additional links of interest. Great for a Friday biography day, during a study on pioneers or a unit on apples! Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated : March 11th and/or September 26th. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Dr. Seuss, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Bessie Coleman Sacagawea, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, an interview with a groundhog, an interview with a leprechaun, an interview with Simon, victim of the Black Death, An Interview with Agent 355, a female agent in the Culper Spy Ring(Revolutionary War), Interview with a 49er from the California Gold Rush , Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, Katherine Johnson and more. Gail Hennessey / Check out my website for teachers/kids for lots of geography activities, short reads, factoids on different topics, news, career surveys, bell ringers and more.
DBQ: Life of a Japanese-American Child/ Internment Camp WW2

DBQ: Life of a Japanese-American Child/ Internment Camp WW2

Using PRIMARY Sources in the Classroom. A DBQ activity uses primary sources. Sources can include diaries,posters, music, news articles from the time, anything written by those who participated in or witnessed an event in history. Students review the given documents and use many cognitive skills in processing what they see and read. After gathering information using the documents, students develop an essay answering a question. The topic of this Primary Source(DBQ )is Life of a Japanese-American Child Living in an Internment Camp during World War 2. A teacher page includes the Key,additional links and suggestions for a rubric to grade the DBQ. This resource could also be used as a web quest. Check out my other DBQ Activity: Life on the Homefront During WW2: Life on the Homefront during WW2
Lewis and Clark: A Reader's Theater Script

Lewis and Clark: A Reader's Theater Script

On February 28, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson got approval by Congress for an expedition to explore the lands of the Louisiana Purchase. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were asked by President Thomas Jefferson to led the expedition. On May 14, 1804, the expedition called, the Corps of Discovery began. They would return home two years later, in 1806. The expedition helped to open up the west for expansion by people seeking a better life. You may also be interested in my Lewis and Clark Expedition Webquest: Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series of plays, Lewis Meriwether and William Clark are guests on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. They share information about their expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory. There is a Did You Know? section of fun facts, reading comprehension questions and a teacher section with lots of extension activities, links and the key.
Galileo Galilei: A Reader's Theater Script

Galileo Galilei: A Reader's Theater Script

Scientist, astronomer, physicist and mathematician, Galileo is considered the "father of modern science”. That title was first given to Galileo by another famous scientist named Albert Einstein. This Reader’s Theater Script is part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series. Audience questioners ask guest, Galileo, all about his life. Additionally, there are comprehension questions and a Did You Know? fun facts. A teacher page has extension activities and the key. Resources of Interest on this Topic:(Renaisssance and other Scientists) Renaissance(Webquest): Michelangelo (Reader’s Theater Script: Da Vinci (Reader’s Theater Script): Sir Isaac Newton (Reader’s Theater Script): Albert Einstein (Reader’s Theater Script): 6. Marie Curie (Reader’s Theater Script): 7. Katherine Johnson (Reader’s Theater Script): 8. Rachel Carson (Reader’s Theater Script): 9. Caroline Herschel (Reading Passage/Activity): 10. Sophie Brahe (Reading Passage/Activity):